nouvelle aquitaine surf league
nouvelle-aquitaine under18 championships 2017
The nouvelle-aquitaine under 18 championships organised by the region Nouvelle Aquitaine are an important contest for the young competitors who wants a ticket to compet at the nationals. There is no way to enter them without a good result in Lacanau. Surf, bodysurf, bodyboard, longboard the schedule is heavy for boys and girls. This week took place under a beautiful sun the first partof the week, before having to face heavy rain and storms.

_ allow the competitors to find their pictures the afternoon after the contest on the social networks of the contest.
_ showcase the event partners during the podiums and on the contest site.
_ realize ambiance, action shots and portraits even with unpleasant weather conditions (storm, rain, wind…).

_ realize a 45 secondes clip after everyday of competition, to upload on social networks at 9 p.m. (titles, winners, best waves of the day).
_ realize an edit of the whole contest with some infos animated via motion design.
_ allow to all the partners and exhibitor to find a return on their investment during the contest.