jeremy flores
série tv show « on Jeremy Flores’ wave »
Jeremy Flores is the best french surfer, national captain of the world champion surf French team during the ISA World Surfing Games 2017 in Biarritz. He is also surfing in the World Surf League World Tour for many seasons now. His daily routine, trainings, contest analysis, it’s all Jeremy Flores wants to share with the viewer of SFR Extreme Sport chanel.

Betweeen the great freesurfing session in pumping conditions in France, discovering the Brazilian culture and sharing the daily life of a professional surfer, each episode has its own story. All the footage come from Dane Burnheim, his best friend, and sent to Antoine & Guillaume so that they can edit the 12 episodes for the 2017 season. They have to receive, choose and edit all the images to tell the viewer, the story that Jeremy Flores lives daily.

After a complicated year, made of ups and downs, they have had the chance to share with the joy of victory. It is during the Pipe Master, the most important contest of the World Tour taking place in Hawaii, in december, that Jeremy Flores claimed his carreer third victory, including two at Pipeline.

_ récupérer et trier le plus rapidement plusieurs heures d’images de compétition de surf, d’interviews, de réactions à chaud et en backstage
_ retracer le fil de la compétition en insérant des images d’action et l’analyse technique de jeremy
_ coloriser et affiner le rendu du montage en respectant une durée de 12 à 13 minutes